“L’Ordre des Chevaliers Bretvins” (Brotherhood of the Bretvin Knights)

A little known link between Cardiff and Nantes is the “L’Ordre des Chevaliers Bretvins” (Brotherhood of the Bretvin Knights).  The Bretvins have three main objectives – to promote tourism, the local economy, and the culture of the Nantes region.  Wine, of course, plays an important role in all of these.   Since the Bretvins were founded in 1948, branches of the Brotherhood have been established across Europe; these are called, “Bailliages”. One of them, the “Bailliage du Pays de Galles”, was established at Cardiff on 23rd October 1993.  Historian Liam Affley has kindly given us permission to reprint his article about the Bretvins on our website.