Language. The Exchange was initially set up more than forty years ago by a group of Cardiff teachers, as a linguistic exchange. The general idea remains for participants on both sides to use the opportunity to improve their language skills, speaking French in France and English when In Cardiff. Having said that, for ACNE a limited language level is not seen as a barrier to taking part.
Membership. In order to take part in the Exchange, you need to be a member of the Association. Membership also gives you access to social events which will be organised throughout the year and to the Festive dinner, which is held to welcome our Nantais guests. So even if you do not think you will take part in the next exchange it is a way of keeping in touch with other members of ACNE and our French counterpart, ELANC.
Publicity. Advertising flyers are displayed issued from August for the following year’s visits. The relevant details are placed on the ACNE website and Face Book page.
Bookings. To make an initial reservation, you need to submit a booking form and an application with personal details.
You will be asked to pay a £50 deposit and to confirm that you have/ will obtain:
- a valid passport (ie a passport issued within the last 10 years, which will be valid for at least 3 months after the date you intend to leave the EU)
- a valid EHIC/ GHIC card
- additional holiday insurance sufficient to cover the cost of medical repatriation (this is a French government requirement)
- be aware that an ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) visa is planned, although now unlikely to be introduced before 2025.
The final balance for the Exchange is usually due about two to three months before the Nantes visit.
Costs. The basic cost of the trip will be advertised, once known, on the home page of this website and on Facebook. It covers the following:
- Return coach travel between Cardiff City Centre and Nantes – there and return – and use of the coach throughout the week in Nantes.
- The ferry crossing between Portsmouth and St Malo and return (including a berth in a 2-berth inside cabin for the outward journey, which is overnight.)
- Trips and Excursions arranged each day during the stay in Nantes. (The only additional cost in Nantes is for items of personal expenditure.)
- A festive dinner in Nantes
- The cost of a place for you and your guest at the special celebration dinner held in Cardiff, attended by the Lord Mayor. Additional places are available for partners, but these must be paid for separately.
Additional costs.
In Cardiff, hosts are expected to provide breakfast, a packed lunch (if necessary), a main meal in the evening and transport to/from the pick–up point for daily excursions.
Matching. Matching. The individual application forms ask for details of participants, including their level of French/English. This enables the organisers to match Cardiff and Nantes people with similar interests. The ‘matching’ is carried out on the Cardiff side, in February/March.
Information Event. A few weeks before the French come to Cardiff, an Information Event is held in Cardiff where details of the French guests are provided and other information about their visit is given out. This is also a good opportunity to meet other participants.
Couples are welcome and will be hosted together.
In Cardiff. The group from Nantes (about 20-25) travel to Cardiff (by coach and ferry), staying with Cardiff hosts living across the city. The guests arrive in the City Centre, late on a Saturday evening, departing early the following Saturday morning.
A programme of visits to local places of interest is arranged by the Cardiff organising committee, using the French coach. Hosts organise their guest’s journey to/from the departure point and are encouraged to join the excursions, where they can. The programme covers all but the first day (Sunday) of the visit.
In Nantes. The Cardiff group (again, about 20-25) travel to Nantes, staying with Nantes hosts across the city. A programme of visits is organised by the French committee, using the Welsh coach. As in Cardiff, hosts organise their guest’s journey to/from the departure point and join the excursions, where they can. This visit always includes a formal reception at the Mairie in Nantes and also a dinner, usually held on the Monday evening.
Arrangements for travel to/from France.
- To Nantes: The coach departs from Cardiff City Centre on the Saturday, (usually early afternoon) taking the overnight ferry from Portsmouth to St Malo, arriving in Nantes at midday on the Sunday morning.
- To Cardiff: The return journey involves a (very) early start from Nantes, taking a daytime ferry from St Malo, arriving on the Saturday evening at about 22.00 pm, outside the Museum in Cardiff City Centre.
Data Protection. ACNE has a document setting out actions the organisation follows in relation to personal information. A copy of this is available on request or can be seen on the ACNE website.